The moment my eldest sister Sujatha’s horoscope was taken out to find a groom for her, my fascination for astrology begun. And this was in the year 1980 when I was barely 11 years old.
My first teacher in this science is my mother who introduced me to the 27 stars. Slowly, I started learning how 2¼ stars fall in one zodiac. At one stage when I completed my graduation (by which time three of my sisters were already married) I started sessions with my Thatha to learn the study of horoscopes. I learnt the basics, gave up and jumped to palmistry.
My Chittappa studies palms well and he studied my palm and my husband Ranganathan’s palm on the day we met each other and said that my temper will be balanced by Ranga’s calm approach to things which happens to be very true.
My Chitti, Revathi used to study palms as well as numerology. I found this an interesting subject and learnt a bit of both palmistry and numerology from her. Studying was nothing but making a mental note of the various points when she used to predict for others reading their birth numbers. I also had some inputs from my sister Sundari who passed on whatever information she had gathered from her friends on numerology and palmistry.
With a bit of knowledge of stars, moonsigns, sunsigns, palmistry and numerology I started studying people. I find it quite thrilling to observe how the star, sun and moon sign and birth number influences a person’s behaviour. Even if I have one of the above data about a person, I am able to understand how those factors influence him/her. It is more amusing in the case of people related to me or whose families I know well as in these cases, I have the opportunity to understand the percentage of the play of genes as well, along with these factors. If two persons belong to the same birth star, the similarities are easy to notice, but any marked difference in character makes me study the reason which is due to the other factors viz., sunsign, moonsign, birth date, genes in case I know this person’s family and the gender. I find the gender influence on two people under the same birth star/zodiac/birth number very interesting.
My sister-in-law, Indra manni teases me that if I ever quit my present job I have “kaivasam oru thozhil” (have a readymade job on hand as astrologer), but actually I don’t have enough knowledge to predict anything, but only study people which is great fun!